Additional ResourcesΒΆ

Below are additional resources for learning about ODK. Email if you'd like to add a link to this list.


ODK has frequent improvements and so the resources below quickly fall out of date. We recommend you start with the resources that are most recent and check them against ODK's authoritative and up-to-date docs.

  1. XLSForm form building guide. Great as a tutorial or reference guide. Updated Jan 2022.

  2. ODK Central and ODK Collect tour (video). Shows how to upload forms to Central and download those forms to Collect. Available in English and French. Updated Feb 2021.

  3. ODK overview and the project manager's experience (video). Shows features that ensure only clean and approved data makes its way into analysis and reporting. Updated June 2021.

  4. ODK overview and the data collector's experience (video). Shows the power and flexibility of ODK forms and the mobile app user experience. Updated Dec 2020.

  5. ODK's real-time data feed (video). Shows how to use ODK's data feed to build live-updating dashboards in Power BI. Updated Oct 2020.

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