Visualizing Geographic Data


ODK Aggregate is no longer being updated. Please use ODK Central instead.

This guide helps the users to visualize the collected geodata uploaded on ODK Aggregate server using Google Earth.


  1. Make sure you have set up your ODK Aggregate server.

  2. You should know how ODK Collect works.

  3. You should be familiar with form designers like XLSForm to create your location based forms and upload it to ODK Aggregate server.

Google Earth

Google Earth is a virtual globe that accesses satellite and aerial imagery, and other geographic data over the internet to represent the Earth as a three-dimensional globe

Follow these steps to view your data using Google Earth:

  1. Login to your ODK Aggregate server.

  2. In the Submissions tab, under Filter Submissions, select the form you want to use and click on Export

Image showing how to export form.
  1. Choose the type as KML file and click on Export.

Image showing how to export form.
  1. You don't need to change the default options, but you can select the title according to your choice. Click on Export

  2. You will be redirected to Export Submissions page where you can download your kml file.

Image showing how to download kml file.
  1. After downloading go to Google Earth website or you can download it from here. Wait for a while as Google Earth takes time to load.

Image showing Google Earth.
  1. Click on Image showing my places icon. and to enable KML import click on Settings.

Image showing settings option.
  1. In the Settings window, enable KML file import and click on SAVE.

Image showing how to enable KML file import.
  1. Click on IMPORT KML FILE and import the downloaded kml file.

Image showing import kml file option.
  1. Now you will be able to see your data in an organized manner on Google Earth.

Image showing the data on Google Earth.


  • On Google Earth, you can choose your map style, add additional points, lines and polygons to add more information for the enhancement of map. You can also try out this tutorial on how to annotate Google Earth.

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