
In ODK Central, the server thinks about identity and permissioning in terms of one core concept: the Actor. No matter how you authenticate with the API, you are doing so as an Actor of some kind or another, and when permissions are assigned and checked, they are done against the authenticated Actor.

In practice, there are two types of Actors available in the system today:

  • Users are accounts used by the staff members who manage the server and the data collection campaigns. They each have a set of rights assigned to them via Roles and Assignments. They are the only account types that have passwords associated with them. They also always have an email address. Users can authenticate using Session Bearer Tokens or using HTTPS Basic authentication.

  • App Users are only allowed to access the OpenRosa parts of the API: in essence, they are allowed to list forms, download form definitions, and create new submissions against those forms. They can only authenticate using App User URLs.

Next, you will find documentation on each of the three authentication methods described above. It is best not to present multiple credentials. If you do, the first presented scheme out of /key token, Bearer, Basic, then Cookie will be used for the request. If the multiple schemes are sent at once, and the first matching scheme fails, the request will be immediately rejected.

Note: If Single Sign-on with Open ID Connect is enabled on the ODK Central, you can neither use HTTP Basic Authentication nor login with POST /v1/session endpoint.

Session Authentication

This is the authentication method used by the ODK Central Frontend packaged with Central Backend. Only Users can authenticate this way. It consists mostly of two steps:

  1. Logging in: presenting an Email Address and a Password for verification, after which a new Session is created. Associated with the Session is an expiration and a bearer token. Sessions expire 24 hours after they are created.
  2. Using the session: each request to the API needs a header attached to it: Authorization: Bearer {token}. This authenticates that particular request as belonging to the Session we created by logging in.

You might notice that Step 2 greatly resembles how OAuth 2.0 works. This was an intentional first step towards OAuth support, and should make the forward migration of your code easier down the road.

Logging in

POST /v1/sessions

In order to log a User in to a new Session, you must provide their credentials, in JSON format.

For security reasons, the only possible results are success or failure. No detail is provided upon failure.

Successful responses will come with an HTTP-Only, Secure-Only cookie. This cookie is primarily meant for use by the Central frontend, and we do not recommend relying upon it. It will only work on GET requests, and it will only work over HTTPS.


Request body

  "email": "",
  "password": ""




The User's full email address.




The User's password.



HTTP Status: 200

Content Type: application/json

  "createdAt": "2018-04-18T03:04:51.695Z",
  "expiresAt": "2018-04-19T03:04:51.695Z",
  "token": "lSpAIeksRu1CNZs7!qjAot2T17dPzkrw9B4iTtpj7OoIJBmXvnHM8z8Ka4QPEjR7"




ISO date format



ISO date format



The bearer token associated with the session. It consists only of URL-safe characters, so it should never need any escaping.

HTTP Status: 401

Content Type: application/json

  "code": 401.2,
  "message": "Could not authenticate with the provided credentials."




Example: 401.2



Example: Could not authenticate with the provided credentials.

Using the session

GET /v1/example1

Once you have logged in, to use your session token to authenticate with any action, supply it in a request header Authorization with a value of Bearer {token}, as seen here.

(There is not really anything at /v1/example1; this section only demonstrates how generally to use Session Bearer Token Authentication.)






Bearer encoding of the credentials

Example: Bearer lSpAIeksRu1CNZs7!qjAot2T17dPzkrw9B4iTtpj7OoIJBmXvnHM8z8Ka4QPEjR7


HTTP Status: 200

Content Type: application/json

  "success": true




Logging out / Revoking an App User

DELETE /v1/sessions/{token}

Logging out is not strictly necessary for Web Users; all sessions expire 24 hours after they are created. But it can be a good idea, in case someone else manages to steal your token. It is also the way Public Link and App User access are revoked. To do so, issue a DELETE request to that token resource.

Revoking an App User

The token associated with an App User is actually just its Session Token. As a result, although an App User Token can uniquely be used as a URL prefix as described here, the session associated with it can be revoked in exactly the same way a session is logged out, by issuing a DELETE request to its Session resource.

Note, however, that an App User cannot revoke itself; a User must perform this action.





The session bearer token, obtained at login time.

Example: lSpAIeksRu1CNZs7!qjAot2T17dPzkrw9B4iTtpj7OoIJBmXvnHM8z8Ka4QPEjR7


HTTP Status: 200

Content Type: application/json

  "success": true




HTTP Status: 403

Content Type: application/json

  "code": 403.1,
  "message": "The authenticated actor does not have rights to perform that action."




Example: 403.1



Example: The authenticated actor does not have rights to perform that action.

Logging out current session

DELETE /v1/sessions/current

This endpoint causes the current session to log itself out. Logging out is not strictly necessary for Web Users; all sessions expire 24 hours after they are created. But it can be a good idea, in case someone else manages to steal your token.

Only the session that was used to authenticate the request is logged out. If the Actor associated with the session has other sessions as well, those are not logged out.


This endpoint doesn't take any request parameter or data


HTTP Status: 200

Content Type: application/json

  "success": true




HTTP Status: 403

Content Type: application/json

  "code": 403.1,
  "message": "The authenticated actor does not have rights to perform that action."




Example: 403.1



Example: The authenticated actor does not have rights to perform that action.

HTTPS Basic Authentication

Standard HTTP Basic Authentication is allowed, but strongly discouraged. This is because the server must verify your password with every single request, which is very slow to compute: typically, this will add hundreds of milliseconds to each request. For some one-off tasks and in cases where there is no other choice, it is reasonable to choose Basic authentication, but wherever possible we strongly encourage the use of any other authentication method.

In addition, because credentials are sent in plaintext as part of the request, the server will only accept Basic auth over HTTPS. If your ODK Central server is set up over plain HTTP, it will not accept Basic auth.

Furthermore, authenticating using accounts with email addresses with a colon (":") in them is not possible.

Using Basic Authentication

GET /v1/example2

To use HTTPS Basic Authentication, attach an Authorization header formatted so:

Authorization: Basic bXkuZW1haWwuYWRkcmVzc0BvcGVuZGF0YWtpdC5vcmc6bXkucGFzc3dvcmQ=

As given by the standard, the text following the Basic marker here is a base64 encoding of the credentials, provided in the form email:password (in this example

Because the colon symbol (":") is used as a separator, authenticating using an email address containing a colon is not possible. This is a general limitation of this authentication method; it is not specific to ODK Central.

Unlike the standard, we do not require the client to first send an unauthenticated request and retry the request only after receiving a WWW-Authenticate response, and in fact we will never send the WWW-Authenticate header. This is mostly because, as noted above, we generally discourage the use of this authentication method, and would rather not advertise its use openly. As a result, if you wish to use Basic Authentication, directly supply the header on any request that needs it.

(There is not really anything at /v1/example2; this section only demonstrates how generally to use Basic Authentication.)






Base64 encoding of the credentials

Example: Basic bXkuZW1haWwuYWRkcmVzc0BvcGVuZGF0YWtpdC5vcmc6bXkucGFzc3dvcmQ=


HTTP Status: 200

Content Type: application/json

  "success": true




App User Authentication

App Users are only allowed to list and download forms, and upload new submissions to those forms. Primarily, this is to allow clients like ODK Collect to use the OpenRosa API (/formList and /submission), but any action in this API reference falling into those categories will be allowed.

Revoking an App User is same as deleting session token. You can do this by calling DELETE /sessions/{appUser}.

Using App User Authentication

GET /v1/key/{appUser}/example3

To use App User Authentication, first obtain an App User, typically by using the configuration panel in the user interface, or else by using the App User API Resource. Once you have the token, you can apply it to any eligible action by prefixing the URL with /key/{appUser} as follows:


(There is not really anything at /v1/example3; this section only demonstrates how generally to use App User Authentication.)





The App User token. As with Session Bearer tokens, these tokens only contain URL-safe characters, so no escaping is required.

Example: !Ms7V3$Zdnd63j5HFacIPFEvFAuwNqTUZW$AsVOmaQFf$vIC!F8dJjdgiDnJXXOt


HTTP Status: 200

Content Type: application/json

  "success": true




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