Backing Up Aggregate


ODK Aggregate is no longer being updated. Please use ODK Central instead.

Backup and restore forms and submissions with Briefcase

You can use ODK Briefcase to backup your forms and submissions by pulling them from Aggregate, and restore them by pushing them back to Aggregate.


Please, be aware that this procedure doesn't backup your server's configuration, users, exported forms, publisher configurations, and other important settings that you might still want to account for.

PostgreSQL backup & restore


  1. Stop running Tomcat. This step, although optional, is recommended to produce full and coherent database dumps.

  2. Produce a database backup file:

pg_dump.exe [ dbname ] > [ backup file location ]
pg_dump [ dbname ] > [ backup destination ]
  1. Start Tomcat if you stopped it on the first step.

You could get some errors depending on your particular PostgreSQL users and server configuration. Refer to the pg_dump documentation for more information on the options you can add to this command.


  1. Stop running Tomcat.

  2. Load the backup file:

psql.exec -f [ backup file location ] [ dbname ]
psql -f [ backup file location ] [ dbname ]
  1. Start Tomcat.

You could get some errors depending on your particular PostgreSQL users and server configuration. Refer to the psql documentation for more information on the options you can add to this command.

MySQL backup & restore


  1. Stop running Tomcat. This step, although optional, is recommended to produce full and coherent database dumps.

  2. Produce a database backup file:

mysqldump.exe [ dbname ] > [ backup file location ]
mysqldump [ dbname ] > [ backup destination ]
  1. Start Tomcat if you stopped it on the first step.

You could get some errors depending on your particular MySQL users and server configuration. Refer to the mysqldump documentation for more information on the options you can add to this command.


  1. Stop running Tomcat.

  2. Load the backup file:

mysql.exec [ dbname ] < [ backup file location ]
mysql [ dbname ] < [ backup file location ]
  1. Start Tomcat.

You could get some errors depending on your particular MySQL users and server configuration. Refer to the mysql documentation for more information on the options you can add to this command.

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